Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lara's Baby Shower

There she is.....the little mother.....
I can't believe we made all that food...and had so much left over.....
I love diaper few calories!
Lara's friends from grade school....BFF....!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My New Favorite Song

I love my LOVE MY JOB! The newest song this week is really growing on are the lyrics....

My love affair with you, is over, it's through.
We loved and then we lost, and while it came at quite a cost,
we both had the chance to grow.

I've collected my thoughts and once before I go,
there's just one thing I want you to know.

I want to punch you in the face, rip out all your hair.
I want to burn you alive and if you survive
I'll strap you to an electric chair.
Or lean out a window a little too far.
Don't look both ways and get hit by a car.
Fall out of a roller coaster, take a warm bath
with a plugged-in toaster. In short...
I hope you DIE!
Maybe it's wrong to wish death on someone you had so much love for.
But since we shared so makes me want to kill you more.

I hope you both are doing great, new couples always are.
I hope this won't make you sad, I did something bad.
I played a tiny joke that involves her car.
I pulled out my knife-I slashed every tire.
Smashed in the windshield and set it on fire.

Then I left a little note, which said,
"Leave town or I'll cut your throat _itch!"

In short....I really hope you die! maybe I've gone too far.
Maybe I'm saying this out of spite.
Maybe I think these things to cope with sleeping alone each night.
Cause obviously I'm still thinking of you, and wishing we could just
start over new.

What if we both give it one more try? Sucks that we can't...
cause you're a jerk that deserves to die.
Die, die, die, die...dysentery, die, die, die, die, gangrene, die, die, die, etc.......

All of this is sung to a perky little calypso rhythm that gravitates to a samba. I LOVE IT! Watch in on youtube under In Short Pasek and Paul (music and lyrics.) HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE and beware of scary upset women. LOL!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Government Gangsters

The Democrats are hiding behind closed doors. They are bribing our Senators and Congressmen...they are making back room deals. America, as we know it, is going down. I guess it was to be expected...these are, after all...the last days.
Loved my week-end in the mountains with my Simada sisters. We have spent the past year studying the Supreme Court and its history-making decisions. I played my program on the spiritual lives of the Great Composers. The Bar 13 Ranch is totally awesome and they thought of everything...including a basement for the children to play and nursing mothers to watch TV. The play area had a rock schoolhouse complete with bell to ring in the belfry. It looked like something right out of posh tots....of COURSE....I forgot to take my camera. Everyone was snapping pics like crazy. It is three stories high. We also got a tour of the neighboring cabin that Dan and family have been in. It has nine bedrooms and is about 1/3 the size of the Bar 13. I had so much FUN. Can you imagine a cabin with a GRAND PIANO??? Well...that place is not a is a RESORT! I drove up to my little nook on the hill, in Heber and relaxed and enjoyed thinking about all the ideas I got from the big place. She even has three paintings of my favorite artist...Morgan Weistling. I am saving to purchase his Indian Stories..winner of the Prix de West.

AAAAHHHHHHHHH! I get to serve as secretary for the coming year. Lucky me... to rub shoulders with great women. I have finally found the "sisterhood" I have been searching for.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


This is a special announcement from my dear friend, Vika...that I met on the mission. I am so happy for her and it reminds me of my Will and his new-found love.....yes.....LOVE IS IN THE AIR.....don't we just love Spring! I love to read the broken English. I left her last name off to protect her privacy, although I don't think she would mind me sharing at all....when you are in love, you want the whole world to know!!!

Viktorija 14 April 2010 at 16:26
Subject: about
Also we would love to share with you special story that happened with us and how we met!

Long long ago in 2006 we met at the YSA conference in Saint-Peterburg! It was a moment of us meeting with each other. Viktorija just came from England Birmingham mission and i was preparing to go to Moscow mission. None of us never ever thought what will happen after...In 2009 Viktorija finished Klaipeda business college. Aleksej came from mission home to Latvia.

First date that ever happened was on Facebook. Vika invited me to become friends and I replayed to her and we started to chat. Soon enough i found her telephone number and called to her. I really wanted to hear that girl voice, who is writing to me wonderful emails. And the more fun....Aleksej was gone for couple weeks, no phone call , no emails, no text messages. I thought that's the end... But the reason I run out of the credits and summer chaos kept me away from the internet. After 2 week silence we never ever missed a day without talking, messaging or calling to each other.

First date was planned in details. We had just half and hour to meet in Riga. Vika was comming back home to Klaipeda from youth conference being there as a chaperon. That day I went to the YSA conference to Saint-Peters-burg. From the first moment I felt like I knew her all my life. We spent unforgettable time together. Aleksej made my day. Everything i could think it was him and our first date together. My head was filled with thoughts about him! My life changed right before my eyes it seemed I started all over again:)

Now we are preparing for a wedding. This is special moment in our lifes, which leads us to the temple and eternal life!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Spent the day, Saturday, with friends in Old Tombstone. No pictures on this but had a wonderful day together with old friends we first met in 1983. We have been BFF since that time. I can spend 12 hours with them and still feel refreshed. They are the awesome parents of eight children.
One word of caution: The shoot- out at the OK Corral is not for the little ones. The play and dialog drag on too long and the players struggled to deliver their lines. Fun parade with everyone dressed up. Recommend this place in cool weather...don't try to brave it in the Summer. One visit can last for years LOL!

Looking forward to my piano recital on Friday night and an evening at the Barney Ranch. Wonderful group of women that I love and enjoyed studying the Supreme Court with this year. Can't wait to get next year's booklet in May! Anxious to find out what we are studying. Can't wait to get the two new beds up to the cabin for the summer. Can't wait for the Europe trip!!! The GOLDEN YEARS truly are awesome!

Found two more contacts on my Genealogy. Went to dinner with more new friends who are specialists and can read OLD ENGLISH out of the Parrish records in England. I was so happy to share this with our friends on Saturday, who can also trace their lines to royalty. How cool is that? Everybody is so excited about it and so am I. Loved Elder Nelson's Conference talk about it. Could relate to everything he said. This week I finally had a break-through and found some WWI Draft Registrations and the 1880 Census...which I have tried many times....THIS TIME...I tried a different name, just for fun...and GOT WHAT I WANTED! WHOOOOOT! Now I know all six brothers in my Great Grandfather's family. HOORAY FOR ME!!! Their picture is posted on an earlier blog... get Mark over this horrible cold and cough and figure out how to get rid of my hip pain....

Everyone....Will has a special girl in his POOOOOOP on all the family members who gossiped for several years that he is GAY. He is NOT GAY.....You people know who you are...I won't embarrass you here. I have had some real TRASHY people dump dirt on me in the past...but that one special phone call from a certain sister-in-law confronting me with her"Do you know Will is GAY? ...... gossip.... left me feeling like I had been GUT-PUNCHED. It was the most hateful, mean-spirited thing anyone has EVER done to me. She is just the nasty kind of person who acts like she never did it.... So grateful for my brothers and their support and love for Will. I have loved getting to know Simona via email and pictures. She is so sweet and so in love with Will. After his many failed dating escapades with what he calls "gold diggers"...I think this is going to be the one. HOORAAY for Will!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Beds, beds and more beds.....

Here is the beautiful bedding I got on sale at The Great Indoors. Fabulous one-day sale. This bedding was 50% off and an additional 25% for one day only. This is now upstairs.....on my Queen bed.This was also on sale that kind of reminded me of Laura will be on my BIRD HEADBOARD at the cabin....did I mention?.... My headboard came in last week....need to get up to the cabin ...ASAP!
Here is the beautiful King bed I found, called Cherry Attic. Found it for 50% off the list price, my senior citizen (hubby) told me to hold out a little longer....he was RIGHT! They came down to 70% off a month later....Well....I am not the only one buying STUFF.....Dad got the ATV and has plans for a second one....are we going to have fun at the cabin this summer or WHAT?!!