Friday, September 30, 2011


A sad day for us. The baby wasn't doing well and we took her to the Dr. on Monday. They blew us off and said she is fine. Her diaper smelled funny and strange color. Today she burned up with fever and I drove over and brought her to our urgent care after trying the ones near Will's house. They were all locked up and CLOSED? It was like being in the twilight zone. Took her to urgent care. Temperature was 102.8 they gave her pain reliever and she vomited it all up. They said get her to emergency QUICK! They called ahead for us. They did a catheter and spinal tap and blood work. She has infection in her body and they will keep her for several days. POOR BABY!

They have her on an I.V. so she should be on the mend unless her spinal fluid shows meningitis. If that is the case we will be visiting the hospital for weeks. She laid in my arms exhausted after it all. I stayed with her and Will came from work. The others (including Grandpa Poulsen and Costea Grandparents) couldn't stand to watch any of it. I held her little head and gave her the syringe in her mouth for pain relief. I am good during the crisis and very composed....but now.....I am ready to go to bed and have a good cry. After more than five hours of phone calling and phone is completely dead. Note to self.....start carrying an extra charger in the purse!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am busy rushing around with Simona and her parents. The baby is a little doll and has all of Will's coloring and is beginning to look more like Simona as time passes.

A dear friend lost her daughter last week to a tragic car accident. Amanda was driving home to Flagstaff and fell asleep at the wheel. They couldn't find her for four days. She was in her car at the bottom of a canyon. Funeral yesterday. SO SAD! She was to have been married this week-end and was one of Sonia's bridesmaids.

I miss some things not being on Facebook anymore. As the picture above attests....I'm not missing much.