Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Maria O. Peterson

I just came across her funeral card that was printed in 1910. My grandmother had given it to me many years ago. I am finally getting everything into/onto the computer. It is nice to have these tangible things. I find so many errors on new.familysearch website. I also have this photo that my grandmother was unable to identify back in the 1970's. This is my weak attempt at a scrapbook page with the design around her image. I did everything in blue and white. I think my great-grandfather, Martin, looks just like her.

When we were in Wales, on the mission, we saw so many old gravestones as we did service projects to clean up cemeteries. Many of them had such lovely verses on them. This card is hard to I will type the contents with the lovely verse at the bottom.

Born February 5, 1838
Died December 5, 1910
Age 72 years 10 months

Gone but not forgotten
We miss thee from our home, dear
We miss thee from thy place,
A shadow o'er our life is cast,
We miss the sunshine of thy face,
We miss thy kind and willing hand,
Thy fond and earnest care.
Our home is dark without thee-
We miss thee everywhere.


Debra said...

I love this Gretchen. What an inspiration for me to get busy on doing the work for my kindred dead. The way you formated the pictures is so nice and the verse at the end brings a tear. I hope we are missed as much when we are gone.

Debra said...

Gretchen and Mark, I haven't seen the land for so long. It makes me sad to think we own so much land (another blooper) that isn't worth much anymore. It's a pretty spot up there though. Sounds like you had a great day. Seth and I will be coming to AZ in August. Maybe Mark could give us some good leads on where to put our investment capital. He sounds like he's doing great with it. I'd also like to learn about the gingerbread houses etc. We want to have an old fashioned Christmas with family this coming DEC

Mark and Gretchen said...

Yes, we have really been blessed. Will share the info when you get here. See you next week for dinner. It will be fun to have the four of you for dinner. I will have the recipes and patterns all ready for you.