Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birthdays...and BLOOPERS!

After Beck's party we drove to Paulden (Prescott area) and attended a meeting with the land owners and home owners. The developer brought his lawyer. Turns out the real estate agent lied to the people, the developer lied, the lawyer sat and lied (in person).....what else is new? I feel sorry for the people who have built expensive homes there. We helped pay for this ridiculous weed-covered road. The other people are in the mid-west and wanted the road in so they could start their house. They can't sell the home they are their building permit has expired......what else is new???? Blooper on the road, blooper on the land. It does have a nice view when you get to the top though! I think I'll stay in Heber ......
Happy Birthday to a dear friend....he is devouring some of my tarts. He was a good sport to wear our Birthday King crown....Can you tell he is related to Ezra Taft Benson?
Birthday Beck....he wasn't too sure about that crown business. One year old now and starting to walk. That's his aunt Hannah.
Favorite toys?......BALLS! We got him an indoor basketball hoop. He is a happy little guy. We had fun and Keira made so many cute things for his party. Check out her blog for better pics!

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