I had the idea to make a miniature Christmas Tree Lot, since the trees take about 15 minutes, each, to make. I knew they wouldn't have enough time at the party...so Lara and I decorated the sugar cones to look like trees and Mark helped me make a little lot complete with "snow" (coconut) and battery operated lights and miniature garland. We had so much FUN doing it! That's my beautiful niece, Kiersten....can't tell who is cuter....the trees or her!

I am a dumb blond.....that's why I only have a "dummy" camera with one button....actually...my camera has TWO buttons....one is for indoors...so that people won't get red lights in their eyes.....OH, YOU CAN SEE THE RED LIGHTS IN THEIR EYES? Enough said.....

I think everybody had fun...isn't that what parties are for? This is Sonia's husband and children.

Here are Larkie and Jon....Dan and Keira with Kristin's girls and Kristin.

Dan is creative and so he put a whole row of suckers around the outside of his little house....I know what that means Dan......you can have a sucker everyday for about a week.....CLEVER!