Thursday, August 13, 2009

Zander Francois Coppee

Well here he is...after a very long day for his mother. He had some trouble, the cord was wrapped around his neck twice and he came out pretty blue in the face and not breathing. The Dr. worked on him for awhile and the nurses gave him oxygen. His heart had slowed considerably at the end. Another woman giving birth shortly before Kristin had her heart stop. Dad talked to Dr. H. in our stake, who delivered the baby. He was pretty shook up, he told Dad he couldn't get his own heart to stop racing. We met the grandfather in the waiting room. We are so blessed to have everything come out okay for us. Zander's face is bruised up and his forehead looks a little raw but he will be fine. This was a tough delivery for Kristin, she says she is done LOL!


Lois Lane said...

I'm SO glad things went okay! One of my nieces was pretty battered up once she got out, but it healed amazingly quickly, so hopefully Zander will look fine soon.

Congratulations on another grandson!!

Mark and Gretchen said...

Thanks Lois...hope your things are going well for you...