Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's STINKING HOT outside!

Why do I say it is STINKING HOT outside? It's because it is that time of year when you walk can smell your trash cans over on the side of the house. It really is too hot to be alive....
When it is too hot outside...we just do outside activities...inside! Like blowing bubbles. Just stand in Grandma's tub and blow them so they don't get away from you...and more importantly...they don't get on Grandma's floor.
Uh looks like some of those bubbles got away.....
Caution: If you do insist on going outside...then you MUST stay in the pool. Keira got bad news at her visit to the Dr. today. No baby in sight. We decided to splash our cares away. We have to wait until Monday for Beck.....unless.....he decides to show up over the week-end. Sorry Keira...I could have told you not to be pregnant in the middle of the summer....but .....nobody asked me.
Did I mention that I am getting out of this STINKING HEAT by going up to the mountains? Sherman has built me a beautiful porch swing. Now the question is...where to put it? Happy Fourth of July everyone...I am going to the Fireworks in Heber.


mbreck said...

Love it. Have some super fun on your vaca! Love you all.

Kristin Coppee said...

I'm so jealous! Next 4th I'll be at the cabin too! Thank goodness for your pool and backyard, which is totally awesome for the grandkids...and saves me and my pregnant belly. I'm SO glad that I was hidden by the water. I look like I have no legs in that pic...and I'm just fine with that. LOL.