I have to insert a "shout out" for my wonderful husband and his kindness and generosity. This year will be our 38th anniversary (and we will be on a mission then.) He got a call from a sister-in-law who plays in the orchestra from Temple Square. She said some poor person needed a ticket and could we help. OF COURSE...we did. We also helped another elderly sister with tickets to come to this concert and one in Gammage several months ago. It feels so good to help people who appreciate the gift. Gifts that are rejected always leave a sting. It makes me think of Heavenly Father and how He must feel when we reject His Son. I got a beautiful new watch for Valentines' Day. Now to go and pick out a new suit for my SWEETHEART.
The car accident before the concert totaled my Aunt and Uncle's beautiful Lincoln Town Car. I spent Sunday morning caring for them as she is in terrible pain with severe whiplash, according to the Doctors. I was able to get them booked on a flight home. Luckily they have other friends here who will take their extra things home for them that they cannot take on a plane.
It has been so fun to have them here this Winter. She showed me my father's old recipe for pie crust and how she rolls it out (wish I had seen this 30 years ago) and now she has me making homemade ice cream with the ice cream maker that has set in the closet for years. I brought it down to the valley and we had friends over for ice cream with fudge sauce (must share recipe) last night after our Valentine dinner out with them. They are the parents of eight children and a store house of wisdom.
I'm reading a new book that is very inspiring...my favorite quote for today from it:
"Once I did bad and that I heard ever,
Twice I did good and that I heard never."
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