Might as well start with the UGLY! It's not what it looks like...that is the back of my knee after a week. Wanted to document ...a few days ago it was really pretty...I DO like blue and purple together. My mom decorated my room in those colors after I went away to college. It is already starting to fade. Good thing I don't wear shorts or people would think my husband is beating me. I know I'm fat but that is mostly swelling at this point. I helped my Aunt and Uncle move this week from one condo to another. He is SO SWEET! He is so arthritic that he couldn't even take the clothes on the hanger from the closet to hand to me without having to just use his wrists. His fingers are so gnarled. He can barely walk and I have found several lotions that he can put on his burns to get some relief. Thank goodness for those American Indians and their natural healing balms.

Now this is the best part but you can't see it in relation to the rest of my thigh and get the full impact BA HA HA HA! Would have to don a bathing suit to see this part. Accidents do happen...especially to OLD people. Best advice of the day....don't get OLD.
The GOOD part of this past week has been my Aunt and Uncle being here after his serious accident and falling into his backyard burn pile in November. We thought we might lose him. He has miraculously recovered and they came for the Winter after all. They took us to the Italian Grotto in Scottsdale last night. We laughed and laughed as my Uncle swapped St. Louis Cardinal and Stan Musial trivia with the owner. He had the owner excitedly calling his "sources" back East to verify my Uncle's info.
My brothers are THE best. I got my annual Valentine in the mail yesterday and called my brother to thank him. We share our burdens and then have a good laugh. They know all my warts and they still love me...imagine that!
The BAD is that both Mark and I have lost so much sleep this week that now we both have coughs and colds and so does my Aunt......part of the family togetherness. Looking forward to our barbecue on Saturday. My Aunt makes the best popcorn salad and a lot of other things too! She is going to share my Dad's pie crust recipe from his time in the Navy during WWII.
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