Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MISS USA...only Liberals need apply?

I am taking these comments from One News Now that arrive in my inbox on a regular basis. I agree with everything this commentator has to say....

Only two years ago, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, the runner-up in the national contest, claimed she lost the competition because she affirmed traditional marriage when asked by a judge about same-sex "marriage."
This year the question was asked of the women..."do you believe in evolution?" Only two of the 51 contestants answered in the affirmative, with one of those two winning the competition.

Discovery Institute President, Bruce Chapman, states....that the women get "walloped" with a political litmus test at the end is disappointing. He also states,"it is unfortunate that the women who don't adapt to the judges' prejudices end up wasting their time, talent and beauty."

The right answer is the politically correct answer on the why don't they advertise that only progressive liberal women need compete?

I also am shocked this week by the news that the State Department (Hillary Clinton) pulled strings to get Lady Gaga to perform for a Gay Pride Activist Concert in another country. Bill and Hillary were notorious for supporting NOW (National Organization for Women) at the United Nations Conferences on the family back during their presidency. NOW has a undermine the traditional family and to promote ABORTION.

If you have not seen the "INSIDE JOB" do not walk to your nearest Redbox rental or Netflicks and WATCH VERY will upset you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is my DREAM playset.....for the grandkids...of course! The only draw-back is that the house doesn't have a door that opens, is just for looks. The faeries have to play...outside. This is WAY too much money for me to spend.I know you want to know the price....all three sets are shown....well over 300 I said.....too much.
One of my most favorite online companies sells children's books and toys . I have drooled over their cover art for years. Now...this that the artist is selling the 11x14 prints for 40 dollars each...OH SO TEMPTING! This is just the first of three that I love....I HAVE to do things in threes....
Oh so lovely....PINK! Can I picture this in my toy room or a new grand daughter's nursery....OH YES I CAN! You will notice that there are books in each picture....and I DO love BOOKS!
Love pastels. Once read an article in the Wall Street Journal about astrological signs affecting choice of color...OH YES..... I AM DEFINITELY A.....MOON CHILD! I need to get a job.... LOL!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy News!

Hooray! Just got word a little before midnight. Simona's parents were granted their visa to come to the US. Heavenly Father heard our prayers. Now these grandparents can feel more comfortable to leave and serve the Lord!
WHOOT! This was the confirmation I was seeking. We'll figure out the rest later...I am so proud of my children. I know that they are able to carry on without relying on their Mom and Dad. They are self-sufficient and independent and hard workers. They are all serving in their respective callings and getting promotions and doing SO WELL! The Lord continues to bless our family. This is the BEST news for Simona!!!
This good news makes up for a lot of the heartache of the past year or so. Her parents have been denied by the American Embassy in the past and she has been devastated. We are so anxious to have them come and get acquainted. We have enjoyed our web-cam experiences and emails.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Kendra McCall!

Lara saw this cupcake game online (pin the candle on the cupcake) and didn't want to spend the money....SO Grandma Gigi copied and made her own version the night before....I love pom I had to have some as part of the decoration. I cheated on the candles and didn't sew them but just hot glued felt to 2" dowels that Grandpa cut for me.
I found some awesome little LED lights at a cute the little lights... and pinwheels from the dollar store in Heber.
Okay....I think my camera is officially DYING....every single picture is blurry now. New camera coming on MONDAY.
Keira gave me a giant cupcake pan for my birthday last year. Lara used it for the first time and made that awesome rose on the top from a gumdrop. Such talent! I made cake pops in the shape of little cupcakes. Lara chose a cupcake theme for Kendra. Happy first birthday Kendra!

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Latest and Greatest

This is our LATEST favorite card game. Eli and Kale and Peyton really enjoyed playing with Grandma Gigi at the cabin for Memorial Day week-end. The girls played the Murder Mystery Mansion game and then used up the rest of the modeling chocolate I had made.
Sometimes I find something that just makes me laugh out loud! This is "King Candy" cake pops. I will have to make these soon. Today I am making cake pop cupcakes for Kendra's first birthday. I found the little cupcake mold online at Bakerella. Will post pictures of the party and the cupcake game we are making. The little cupcake mold is what is used for King Candy's hat LOL!