Only two years ago, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, the runner-up in the national contest, claimed she lost the competition because she affirmed traditional marriage when asked by a judge about same-sex "marriage."
This year the question was asked of the women..."do you believe in evolution?" Only two of the 51 contestants answered in the affirmative, with one of those two winning the competition.
Discovery Institute President, Bruce Chapman, states....that the women get "walloped" with a political litmus test at the end is disappointing. He also states,"it is unfortunate that the women who don't adapt to the judges' prejudices end up wasting their time, talent and beauty."
The right answer is the politically correct answer on the why don't they advertise that only progressive liberal women need compete?
I also am shocked this week by the news that the State Department (Hillary Clinton) pulled strings to get Lady Gaga to perform for a Gay Pride Activist Concert in another country. Bill and Hillary were notorious for supporting NOW (National Organization for Women) at the United Nations Conferences on the family back during their presidency. NOW has a undermine the traditional family and to promote ABORTION.
If you have not seen the "INSIDE JOB" do not walk to your nearest Redbox rental or Netflicks and WATCH VERY will upset you.