Saturday, October 9, 2010

Melvina and Elihu Vinson

Here's the marriage license for my Great grandfather Elihu Vinson and his wife, Melvina Elizabeth Tippet. These are my father's maternal grandparents.
Melvina and Elihu Vinson. My dad used to tell me stories of how he spent his summers with his Grandmother down in Missouri. She took him every Sunday to the Baptist church. He said she made the most wonderful breakfasts. Fried chicken and biscuits and the "works." She had been playing a game with some children when she was a child and was carrying a stick. She fell down and the stick poked her eye out. She married Elihu when she was 16 and her mother gave her signed permission, as is stated on the license. I am told he was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. I will have to research that. I am so surprised every time I find a picture that SOMEONE else has posted on Ancestry. This picture I found in a Jones family group.

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