Thursday, October 21, 2010


Sonia hosts BUNKO just once a year....the kids come over to have a "sleep-over" at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We decided, for the first time, to make a Haunted House of Gingerbread.
I found a recipe to make molding chocolate. The kids AMAZED me with their artistry especially in making these realistic-looking pumpkins and cute ghosts, Frankenstein head and a bat. Lara contributed the candy-corn cookies on the side of the house. Ryder and Kendra came over too.
Our version of "Children of the Corn." BTW ....I have not seen that movie...just heard ALL ABOUT IT. Happy Halloween everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how lucky my kids are to have such a creative grandma. They LOVED making that house. Thank you SO much for taking them and making it such a fun night. The house is FABULOUS! The kids get excited to show it off to all of their friends.