I just finished reading an article about Socialism. I always find it interesting when people feel that they have a sense of entitlement. You know...they should have all the good stuff that they see their neighbor having. Obama wants to cite scripture to impress upon people that we should SHARE...everything we have. In the book of Acts it states that...."they had all things in common among them." Now remember that this was a voluntary, self -sacrificing situation.....NOT ....a situation where the Government proclaims itself to be GOD and then steals from the rich to give to the poor. That's right...that is called STEALING....and COVETING.....and putting someone/something (the government) ABOVE God.
Okay..I am done with my little rant...oh....except for one thing. Some people believe that because they drive an older vehicle...or have used furniture.....that somehow.....THAT makes them righteous. Actually...some of those people need to be more thankful for what they DO have. Until you live in a hut in a third-world country, wondering where your next meal is coming from....you ARE rich. Especially if you live in America ...AND ...have the gospel. Many people are struggling in the world this very minute....even here in America. Sharing....(Obama's word for redistributing the wealth) needs to be done in the Lord's way. If you don't know what that is....go and see your Bishop. Oh yes....and before you judge the people who SEEM to have everything....just remember that you don't know how or where they are giving to others. Only the Lord knows that....
We are dedicating another temple here in Arizona today. I am so grateful for its presence and the thoughts that soon we will have yet another temple in Gilbert. We are all so blessed. We all have so many things to be thankful for. If you can't go to the temple....my advice....get yourself worthy to attend....right away....things are moving forward at an increasing rate....the Savior IS coming. We need to be ready to meet him. I have just completed the temple work for a large number of names from a very distant relative in Idaho. She and I share a common last name from several generations back on my line. Doing genealogy work is so rewarding and so positive in my life that I am so grateful for it. I KNOW that the church is true and that my particular mission on this earth is to get the work done on behalf of all those who have gone before me and not had the opportunity to receive the saving ordinances of the gospel. As I see all the work that is still to be done...I feel a real sense of urgency.
And....on top of all that....I just spent a GLORIOUS few days up at our little retreat in the mountains...just enjoying the beauty of all the Lord's creations. I can't wait to participate in the Hosanna shout this morning. You will all be in my thoughts as we participate together!