Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What do Homemakers Do?

Well.....they shop ALL the best sales! This shop is in Cardiff. We finally downloaded some more of our mission pictures. When we lived in Scotland the kids learned the phrase, "cheeky monkey." When I saw this store front I HAD to take a picture. Cheeky monkey is another way of saying "naughty child."They go to TEA PARTIES (Taxed Enough Already) and get labeled..."racist."
They expertly strategize on board games....YUP...that's me in the YELLOW ....taking over! I have never won in Blockus until now...had to memorialize this game against the Williamsons.
They take their friends up to the cabin.....and beat them at board games.....heh, heh!
Oh yeah...and this is what Homemakers are really known for....canning chicken, baking bread and making a big ole pot of beans (using leftover ham hock from Easter, of course!)

Go ahead...I know you will.....and I know you, WILL, I dare you......MOCK ME!


mbreck said...

Kind of a little sad. I don't think I am a homemaker now. I don't know how to can chicken. Can't make decent rolls for nothing. Even the frozen kind don't work. I don't think I would want to make a big pot of beans. Depends. And I don't go to tea parties. But my husband is racist so does that count?

Anonymous said...

You are one of those people doing the "other million" things that Homemakers do....keep up the good work, Brookeness! We love you! Aunt G.

Anonymous said...

I won't mock need teach me your canning skills.