Friday, December 16, 2011

Explanation of Wunderland

My brother just emailed me these photos of the minaiture train set in Hamburg, Germany. I LOVE all things miniature. You can see it online if you go to or also on facebook at MiniaturWunderlandHamburg.

It is so amazing that people would spend 500,000 hours and 8 million Euro to build it. We want to jump a plane and go see it!!! It won't be finished until 2012 and has been under construction for several years. You have the watch the five-minute video if you haven't already seen it!

I have trouble with my computer off and on or should I has trouble with ME! Couldn't get it to let me describe each picture on that last post.

HAVE A WUNDERFUL DAY everyone! Sprechen sie Deutsch?

Miniatur Wunderland in Germany

Monday, December 5, 2011


Spent last Thursday helping Sonia prepare for her yearly hosting of her Bunko group. That's my old Christmas tablecloth (25 + years old.) My crystal castle beverage server is always a hit. I picked up the red and green bread bowls at the bakery and took the kids for five hours until Sherman got out of school. We found the most darling Snowman cookie jar at the Gingerbread house in Pinetop. Sonia loved it so much that she got one for a Bunko prize and I bought her one for her birthday. LOVE those pre-Christmas sales! Too bad the sleigh is blocking the view of the cookie jar on the counter top behind it.

Presley Ruth Poulsen

Here she IS!!! The long-awaited little girl. The three boys are elated! Here is Kale on Sunday Dec. 2nd.
Grandma Gigi gets a few minutes in before the boys take over. They LOVE their baby sister. Presley was a whopping 8 lbs. She beat out her brothers' birth weight. We attended Kale's Christmas concert tonight at his school. Just got my hair cut and my hair is now a darker blond. Presley reminds me of little Eli. This picture just doesn't do her justice. She is a beautiful little girl. Looking forward to taking her on our family trip to Florida before we leave on another mission. Harry we come!