I love Ancestry.com ...I have been struggling to find anything more on the Peterson family. Then last night after I taught the Relief Society lesson for Enrichment on Scripture study and prayer....I came home and shortly after midnight...FOUND....my family in another family line. Pictures and EVERYTHING!!! I even found this picture above of my Great grandfather's brother Mathais Christopher Peterson.

This is my great-great-grandfather Nelson (Nis) Peterson and his wife Maria. I have a picture of her by herself but had never seen HIM before...WHOOT!

Here he is in his old age and you can see that the picture was taken in Bradford, Illinois. After visiting Denmark in August ...now I know why they sometimes put that they were from Germany or Sweden....that's because Denmark had taken over part of Germany and Sweden back in the day.

Here is the Nis and Maria Peterson family. I NEVER knew they had two older daughters, Emma Marie and Louisa. I am pretty sure that is MY Great grandfather, Martin Christopher, standing between his parents. Do you think she is holding the Bible? Count em'....NINE children!
Emma Marie b.1861
Louisa b.1864
Lawrence Peter b. 1865
Mathais Christopher b. 1869
Henry Lawrence b. 1871
Martin Christopher b. 1874
August N. b. 1875
Nicholas b. 1879
Edward b. 1883
Here is the answer to my most recent prayers.......I have been blessed!!! I signed up for the series of classes at the Mesa Family History Library.